Veterans Upward Bound (VUB)

collage of vets with the TRiO LogoThe TRiO Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) Program at Delgado Community College is a FREE educational program, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, to help prepare eligible veterans to enter and successfully complete post-secondary education and training.  

VUB offers a wide, personalized range of services and activities, based upon each individual's self-identified needs assessment, academic testing, and career plans with one goal in mind - to help eliminate the barriers that prevent you from meeting your career and educational goals.

We proudly serve all eligible veterans in Jefferson, Lafourche, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, and Terrebonne parishes regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.