Header Two
Contact Delgado
General Information
Primary mailing address:
Delgado Community College
615 City Park Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70119
Phone: 504-671-5000
Enrollment Services
Office of Admissions
Email: enroll@dcc.edu
Visit the Office of Admissions website.
Office of Financial Aid
Email: finaid@dcc.edu
Visit the Office of Financial Aid website.
Office of Registrar
Phone: 504-671-5022
Email: registrar@dcc.edu
Visit the Office of Registrar website.
Office of Bursar
Phone: 504-671-5616
Email: bursaroffice@dcc.edu
Visit the Office of Bursar website.
Human Resources
Phone: 504-762-3003
Email: dcchr@dcc.edu
Visit the Human Resources website.
Campus Police
Emergency: 504-671-6111
Phone: 504-671-6112
Parking: 504-671-5417
Email: dccp@edu
Visit the Campus Police website.
Media Inquiries
Communications and Marketing
Phone: 504-671-5478
Email: dccprm@dcc.edu
Visit the Office of Institutional Advancement website.
Alumni & Giving
Institutional Advancement
Phone: 504-671-5412
Email: dccia@dcc.edu
Visit the Office of Institutional Advancement website.