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Statement on Science and Math Division Labs - Online
To All Delgado Students Enrolled in Science Labs:
The Science and Math Division is committed to ensuring the continuity of the students' educational progress. Science and Math division labs include all Biology (BIOL), Chemistry (CHEM), Physics (PHYS), Physical Science (SCIE), Geology (GEOL) and AAS-Science Laboratory Technology Program Biotechnology (BTEC) and Chemical Technology (CHTC) laboratory courses. Science and Math Division Laboratory courses will move to alternative online instruction effective Thursday, March 19th. The teachers in the department are working to ensure you have as little disruption as possible to your learning and your long-term career goals.
Some laboratory courses do not easily translate to an equivalent online experience, but we will deploy a number of methods to conclude the semester successfully. Examples of methods include, but are not limited to the following:
- Preparatory Pre-lab Assignments (low stakes)
- Online Lab Experiments, when possible
- Online Lab Simulations.
- Videos of experiments completed by instructors in the laboratory for data purposes. Calculations and reports to be completed by students.
- Dry labs, which will include assigned data and observations.
- Calculations and reports to be completed by students.
- Supplemental learning content
- Post lab assignments (low stakes)
- Practice assignments (no stakes)
- Preparatory Online Quizzes and Assignments for practicum exams
- Practicum Exams (high stakes)
- Multiple Choice exams for A and P I and II laboratory (high stakes)
- Reading of scientific journal articles for experimental procedure and method (SCIE 132/CHTC labs).
- Instrumentation training videos (SCIE 132/CHTC labs).
- Condensed or combined labs if reopening campus is permitted.
- Open lab skills assessments, if campus is open to students.
- If necessary, finals will be given online during finals week.
For questions specific to a course contact the instructor starting Wednesday, March 18th. Please review the Science and Math Division Policy for Online Student-Instructor Communication which is as follows:
- All course communication must be done through CANVAS or via your Delgado e-mail address.
- The instructor may not respond to alternative e-mail addresses as some addresses may be filtered as spam.
- You should check your e-mail and CANVAS at least three (3) times per day.
- Instructors will, in most cases, respond to e-mail within 24 hours and at most 48 hours, except on weekends and during holidays.
- Make sure all e-mail communications are clear and respectful.
Again, course specific information will originate from the instructors of the individual lab courses. Please be patient and know that the division is committed to completing the semester as scheduled.