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Undocumented Student Resources
There are a number of resources available to you to that support health, legal, funding
your education, and succeeding in college.
Financing your Education
The following are some options for undocumented students with limited financial means that may facilitate access to Delgado academic programs
- Taking advantage of Dual Enrollment courses as a high school student
- Taking advantage of free and low-cost offerings through Adult Education and Workforce Development
- Attending part-time so as to lessen tuition costs per term (see a tuition and fees comparison by hour here)
- Signing up for a payment plan to pay tuition in installments throughout the term rather than a single sum at the beginning of the term
- Applying for our annual Delgado scholarships, which are awarded in the Spring semester and applied towards the following Fall semester. Some scholarships will be issued on a first come first served registration (enrolling in classes).
The following are a handful of links to scholarships search engines, scholarships, and scholarship lists that do not require U.S. citizenship or legal residence in their eligibility. We encourage you to use this as a starting point in your search as there is a lot more out there! Remember that scholarships should never cost you any money to apply or receive an award.
🡪 FastWeb has a plethora of scholarship opportunities; register as a user and begin your search (http://FastWeb.com)
🡪 Scholarships.com for undocumented students (https://www.scholarships.com/financial-aid/college-scholarships/scholarships-by-type/scholarships-for-undocumented-students/)
🡪 Cappex Scholarship List (https://www.cappex.com/scholarships)
🡪 Scholarships A-Z (http://www.scholarshipsaz.org)
🡪 MALDEF Scholarship List (http://Maldef.org/resources/scholarship-resources/)
🡪 TheDREAM.US (http://thedream.us)
🡪 Louisiana Office of Financial Assistance Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/LOSFA)
🡪 Immigrants Rising list of undergraduate scholarships (https://immigrantsrising.org/resource/undergraduate-scholarships/)
🡪 MyUndocumentedLife (http://MyUndocumentedLife.org)
🡪 College Green Light (http://collegegreenlight.org)
🡪 Hispanic Scholarship Fund (http://hsfinder.net/)
🡪 SALEF (http://SALEF.org)
🡪 NSHSS scholarships you may be eligible for (https://nshssfoundation.org/scholarships/).
🡪 Solid test-taker? The National Merit Scholarship Program awards students based on PSAT scores (https://www.nationalmerit.org/s/1758/interior.aspx?sid=1758&gid=2&pgid=424)
🡪 Profiles in Courage Essay Contest (https://www.jfklibrary.org/learn/education/profile-in-courage-essay-contest/contest-topic-and-information)
🡪 Hamilton Scholars is a leadership program and scholarship award for HS juniors (https://www.hamiltonscholars.org)
🡪Foundation for Louisiana Armature Scholarship fund: offers scholarships of up to $15,000 per year for students of color and/or LGBTQIA students. Undocumented students are strongly encouraged to apply. (https://www.foundationforlouisiana.org/armature-scholarship-fund/)
Resources Beyond Delgado
The following are lists of organizations, with links to their websites, that provide additional resources outside of Delgado
- PUENTES New Orleans / L.U.N.A.
- Catholic Charities- Archdiocese of New Orleans
- La Semilla Community Education Center
- Familias Unidas en Accion
- ECCO – En-Hacore Centro Comunitario y de Orientación
- VAYLA New Orleans
- El Centro Louisiana
- Vietnamese Initiatives in Economic Training
- Familia del Sur LGBTQ
- Our Voice Nuestra Voz
- YMCA Educational Services (YES!)
From other states
- Illinois Association for College Admission Counseling: College Advising for Undocumented Students
- Undocumented Student Guide (Michigan-specific, but may be helpful for students across the US)
- ACLU Know Your Rights (multilingual resource)
- Immigrants Rising
- Undocutraveler Blog
- USCIS Translation Services
- Crescent Care
- Luke’s House Clinic
- New Orleans Children’s Health Project
- New Orleans East Louisiana Community Health Center
- New Orleans Family Justice Center (for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault)
- Immigration Services and Legal Advocacy (ISLA)
- Catholic Charities- Archdiocese of New Orleans
- Congreso de Jornaleros / New Orleans Workers Center for Racial Justice
- ALAS: Education Access for Immigrant and Court-involved Youth
- Stuart H. Smith Law Clinic and Center for Social Justice at Loyola University New Orleans – (504) 861-5590
Have other questions you want answered? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.