Employee Benefits

The benefits offered to Delgado Community College employees are competitive, comprehensive, and demonstrate the College's commitment to the wellbeing of its employees. Delgado's benefits package is available here.

All full-time faculty and staff members are eligible for employee benefits. Employees must enroll within 30 days of hire date or within 30 days of the date they become full time. Coverage is effective on the 1st day of the month after an employee has worked 30 calendar days. Should an employee fail to enroll in coverage within 30 days of hire, the employee may enroll during the open enrollment period during the month of October.

Health Insurance Options & The Office of Group Benefits

OGB is a state agency authorized by Louisiana statute to provide health, accidental benefits and life insurance to both active and retired state employees and their dependents.  OGB Customer Service: 1-800-272-8451

The Office of Group Benefits has links to provider lists.

Supplemental Benefits

Savings Plans

Retirement Plans

ORP - Optional Retirement Plans and 403b

Contact Your Representative


Kenneth Tranhan
Cell phone 504-390-2039  Office phone 504-620-5569


Mitchell Tabor
Cell phone 985-415-2274   Office phone 225-201-1009

Ronnie Rodriguez
Cell phone: 985-788-7510 ronald.rodriguez@corebridgefinancial.com


Louis Bundy 
504-648-4057 louid.bundy@tiaa.org

National Life Group

Phyllis Hennigan

Holly Boulet

Savings Plans

La Capitol www.lacapfcu.org
GNO www.gnofcu.com

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Leave from Work

Tuition Assistance 

Employee Services