Planned Giving

Planned Giving involves the integration of personal, financial, and estate planning concepts with a person's plan for lifetime or testamentary charitable giving. The most common type of planned gift is a charitable bequest in a person's will or trust. There are other types of planned gifts, and persons should discuss with a qualified charitable gift planner and a professional advisor, the type of planned gift that would be most appropriate for them. Donors who include a minimum planned gift for Delgado Community College are invited to become members of the Delgado 1921 Society, the College's planned gift donor recognition society.

By including Delgado Community College in your financial and estate plans, you may increase your current income and reduce taxes, while providing future support for areas of the university important to you. Planned giving allows people to make very meaningful legacy gifts as part of their estate plan.

Contact 504-671-5412 for more information.