
While many donors commonly make gifts of cash, a growing number are taking advantage of contributing gifts of long-term appreciated securities to support the educational goals of Delgado Community College.

Advantages of Gifts of Securities

  • You receive an income tax deduction based on the market value of the security at the time of the gift.
  • You avoid capital gains tax on the appreciated value of the securities.
  • You can direct your gift for any purpose at Delgado Community College.
  • You can fund a life income gift and potentially receive a greater income.

Valuing Gifts of Securities

The value of a gift of securities is the average of the high and low trading prices on the date of your gift. The date of your gift is determined based on how it is made.

  • By mail - it is the postmark date.
  • By overnight carrier - it is the date of receipt by Delgado Community College.
  • By electronic transfer - it is the date the security is received into the Delgado Community College Foundation's brokerage account.
  • By re-registering the security into Delgado Community College Foundation's name - it is the date on the new certificate(s).

The Delgado Community College Foundation will issue a receipt for your tax records.

How to Make a Gift with Stocks and Bonds

If the certificate(s) are held by you

  1. Send your certificate(s) by certified mail or by overnight carrier, without any endorsement, assignment or other notations to the Delgado Community College, Office of Institutional Advancement, 615 City Park Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119.
  2. Enclose a letter stating the purpose of the gift.
  3. In a separate envelope, using the same carrier as used with the certificate(s), send a stock/bond power endorsed in blank; that is, filling in only your signature but no other information. Your name should appear EXACTLY as it does on the face of the certificate(s). If possible, include a copy of the letter you sent with your certificate(s).

If you wish to donate only a portion of the shares represented by the certificate(s), Delgado Community College will complete the transaction and re-register the remaining shares back to you. In your letter, please indicate the social security number and the complete name of the registered shareholder. Please also confirm the mailing address for re-registering the remaining shares.

If the securities are held by a bank or broker

  1. You can authorize your bank or broker in writing that you wish to make a gift/transfer (number of) shares of (name of security) to be designated to the Delgado Community College Foundation for the purpose of (description of purpose).
  2. Please send a copy of your authorization letter to the Delgado Community College, Office of Institutional Advancement. Include the name and telephone number of your banker or broker.

If you or your bank(er) need additional information or have questions, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement by phone at 504-671-5412.

Making a Gift with Closely Held Stock

Non-marketable or closely held stock can also be gifted to Delgado Community College. If you are considering giving these types of securities, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 504-671-5412 to discuss your intentions.

Gifts from Mutual Funds

If you would like to give mutual fund shares, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at 504-671-5412 for additional details.

Other information regarding gifts of securities

Delgado Community College Foundation's tax identification number is 72-1123204.

Delgado Community College legal address in connection with gifts of securities:
Delgado Community College Foundation
615 City Park Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70119

Contact  504-671-5412 for more information.