Immunization Requirements

Louisiana law requires proof of immunization against measles/mumps/rubella and tetanus/diphtheria for all first-time Delgado Community College students born after December 31, 1957. Proof of a Meningitis vaccine within the last 10 years is also required. Records must be provided prior to enrollment into the college.


  • Two separate doses of the measles vaccination, at least 30 days apart
  • One dose of the rubella vaccine
  • One dose of the mumps vaccine
  • One dose of the tetanus/diphtheria vaccination within the last 10 years
  • One dose of meningococcol vaccination

Important: Proof of immunization against meningococcol disease (meningitis) is required for all students who did not attend a college or university prior to August 1, 2006. Any student enrolled in college classes before August 1, 2006 will not need to provide proof of immunity against meningitis.

Log in to your LoLA to submit your immunization record or sign the Immunization Wavier today. 

Commonly Asked Questions

Why should I get vaccinated against MMR (measles, mumps and rubella)?

Download information sheet on measles, mumps, and rubella.

What is tetanus/diphtheria, and why should I be vaccinated against it?

Download information sheet on tetanus/diphtheria.

What is meningococcol disease, and why should I be vaccinated against it?

Download information sheet on meningococcol disease.