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Popular Programs with introductory courses:
ACCT 111 Fundamentals of Accounting
ACCT 201 Principles of Accounting I
ALIT 099 Academic Literacy
ANTH 181 World Regional Geography
BIOL 101 Gen Biol I (Non-Sci Majors)
BIOL 107 Gen Biol I Lab (Non-Sci Majors)
BIOL 141 Gen Biol I (Sci Majors)
BIOL 143 Gen Biol I Lab (Sci Majors)
BIOL 161 Intro Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 163 Intro Anatomy & Physiology Lab
BIOL 210 Gen Microbiology (Sci Majors)
BIOL 211 Microbiology: Human Pathogens
BIOL 212 Gen Microbiology Lab (Sci Maj)
BIOL 251 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 252 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 253 Human A & P I Laboratory
BIOL 254 Human A & P II Laboratory
BUSG 102 Customer Service
BUSG 121 Business Mathematics
BUSG 125 Personal Finance
BUSG 129 Introduction to Business
BUSG 224 Business Computer Applications
BUSG 240 Business Communications
BUSL 250 Legal Environment of Business
CCSS 107 College Success Skills
CMIN 201 Computer & Internet Literacy
CMST  130 Fundamentals of Communication
CRJU 105 Intro. to Criminal Justice
ELEC 102 Electrical Calculations
ELEC 103 Electrical Blueprints
ELEC 112 Basic Electricity
ELEC 123 National Electric Code I
ENGL 101 English Composition I
ENGL 102 English Composition II
ENGL 110 Intensive English Comp I
FNAR 121 Introduction to Visual Arts
HESC 111 Medical Terminology
HIST 102 Western Civilization II
HIST 141 African-American History
HIST 206 American History II
MANG 201 Principles of Management
MARK 201 Principles of Marketing
MATH 020 Contemporary Math Corequisite
MATH 120 Contemporary Math
MATH 130 College Algebra
MATH 203 Introductory Statistics
MOVH 130 Fundamentals of Electricity
MOVH 184 MOVH Work Experience
MOVH 206 Eng Perfom I: Comp/Systems
MOVH 208 Engine Perf I Laboratory
MOVH 213 Engine Diagnosis & Repair Lab
MOVH 231 Adv. Electrical/Electronics
MOVH 233 Adv Electrical/Electronics Lab
MTTC 231 Basic Lathe
MTTC 241 Basic Mill
MUSC 105 Music Appreciation
PHYS 101 Intro. Concepts in Physics
PSYC 127 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 226 Developmental Psychology
SOCI 151 Introduction to Sociology
TECH 101 NCCER Technical Core
WLDG 101 Intro: Welding Fundamentals
WLDG 110 Basic SMAW
WLDG 115 SMAW Groove Welds
WLDG 201 Basic FCAW and GMAW
WLDG 202 FCAW & GMAW Groove Welds
WLDG 219 GTAW Groove Welds
WLDG 220 GTAW Basic Multi-Joint

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