Spring 8 Week Session

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Classes Run March 16 - May 10

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Subject Coure Number Title
ACCT 111 Fundamentals of Accounting
ACCT 215 Tax Accounting Corporations
ACCT 218 Payroll
ADOT 101 Keyboarding I
ADOT 105 Survey of Computer Appl.
ADOT 135 Digital Illustration Software
ALIT 099 Academic Literacy
BIOL 101 Gen Biol I (Non-Sci Majors)
BIOL 102 Gen Biol II (Non-Sci Majors)
BIOL 114 Nutrition
BIOL 141 General Biology I (Sci Majors)
BIOL 161 Intro Anatomy & Physiology
BIOL 163 Intro Anatomy & Physiology Lab
BIOL 210 Gen Microbiology (Sci Majors)
BIOL 211 Microbiology: Human Pathogens
BIOL 251 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIOL 252 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BIOL 253 Human A & P I Laboratory
BIOL 254 Human A & P II Laboratory
BUSG 102 Customer Service
BUSG 115 Starting a New Business
BUSG 121 Business Mathematics
BUSG 125 Personal Finance
BUSG 129 Introduction to Business
BUSG 210 Business Ethics
BUSG 224 Business Computer Applications
BUSG 240 Business Communications
CRPT 120 Buildg Materials & Estimating
CRPT 122 Carpentry Calculations
CRPT 124 Design, Blueprint Readg, Codes
CRPT 211 Site Layout
CCSS 100 Success in College
CCSS 107 College Success Skills
CMST 130 Fundamentals of Communication
CRJU 103 Introduction to Corrections
CULA 102 Basic Culinary Skills
CULA 121 American Regional Cuisine
CULA 207 Fundamentals of Baking
CULA 217 Culinary Cafe
CULA 221 Latin Flavors
CULA 224 Kitchen Gardening
ECON 202 Microeconomics
ELEC 102 Electrical Calculations
ELEC 103 Electical Blueprints
ELEC 112 Basic Electricity
ELEC 123 National Electric Code I
ELST 269 A+ Certification Preparation
ENGL 101 English Composition I
ENGL 102 English Composition II
ENGL 110 Intensive English Comp I
FNAR 121 Introduction to Visual Arts
HESC 100 Essentials of Nursing Assistng
HESC 102 First Aid
HESC 103 Intro: Medical Ethics & Commun
HESC 111 Medical Terminology
HESC 118 Info. Mangement for A.H. Prof.
HESC 151 Intro: Health Care Professions
HIST 102 Western Civilization II
HIST 141 African-American History
HIST 205 American History I
HIST 260 Louisiana History
HOST 101 Intro to Hospitality Industry
HOST 103 Intro to Travel & Tourism
HUMA 105 Humanities Through the Arts
INCO 102 Intro: Process Technology
INCO 105 Safety & Environ Principles
MANG 201 Principles of Management
MANG 265 Manufacturing Logistics
MARK 201 Principles of Marketing
MATH 130 College Algebra
MATH 133 Intensive College Algebra
MATH 140 Precalculus
MATH 203 Introductory Statistics
MLTS 151 Phlebotomy Clinical Practicum
MTTC 212 Intro: Precision Machining
MTTC 222 Forming & Shaping
MUSC 105 Music Appreciation
MUSB 101 Intro to Music Business
PAST 103 Baking & Pastry Skills Lab II
PAST 218 Baking & Pastry Cafe
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 175 Introduction to Ethics
PHYS 101 Intro. Concepts in Physics
POLI 180 Intro to American Government
PSYC 127 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 226 Developmental Psychology
PTAP 216 Clinical Science IV
RLST 263 Princ/Resid Real Estate Apprs
SCIE 101 Physical Science I
SOCI 151 Introduction to Sociology
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I
TECH 101 NCCER Technical Core
TECH 201 Engineering Economics
THEA 101 Intro to Theatre
VISC 242 Digital Photography II
WELL 152 Stress Management: Wellness
WLDG 101 Intro: Welding Fundamentals
WLDG 110 Basic SMAW
WLDG 115 SMAW Groove Welds
WLDG 201 Basic FCAW and GMAW
WLDG 202 FCAW & GMAW Groove Welds


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