Header Two
Spring 8 Week Session
Start a new career in 8 weeks
Classes Run March 16 - May 10
Complete a credential in 9 credit hours or less for high demand, high wage careers!
For more information call 504-671-5330
- Information Technology
- Child Care | Teaching
- Hospitality Management
- Health Care
- Accounting
- Real Estate
Subject | Coure Number | Title |
ACCT | 111 | Fundamentals of Accounting |
ACCT | 215 | Tax Accounting Corporations |
ACCT | 218 | Payroll |
ADOT | 101 | Keyboarding I |
ADOT | 105 | Survey of Computer Appl. |
ADOT | 135 | Digital Illustration Software |
ALIT | 099 | Academic Literacy |
BIOL | 101 | Gen Biol I (Non-Sci Majors) |
BIOL | 102 | Gen Biol II (Non-Sci Majors) |
BIOL | 114 | Nutrition |
BIOL | 141 | General Biology I (Sci Majors) |
BIOL | 161 | Intro Anatomy & Physiology |
BIOL | 163 | Intro Anatomy & Physiology Lab |
BIOL | 210 | Gen Microbiology (Sci Majors) |
BIOL | 211 | Microbiology: Human Pathogens |
BIOL | 251 | Human Anatomy & Physiology I |
BIOL | 252 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II |
BIOL | 253 | Human A & P I Laboratory |
BIOL | 254 | Human A & P II Laboratory |
BUSG | 102 | Customer Service |
BUSG | 115 | Starting a New Business |
BUSG | 121 | Business Mathematics |
BUSG | 125 | Personal Finance |
BUSG | 129 | Introduction to Business |
BUSG | 210 | Business Ethics |
BUSG | 224 | Business Computer Applications |
BUSG | 240 | Business Communications |
CRPT | 120 | Buildg Materials & Estimating |
CRPT | 122 | Carpentry Calculations |
CRPT | 124 | Design, Blueprint Readg, Codes |
CRPT | 211 | Site Layout |
CCSS | 100 | Success in College |
CCSS | 107 | College Success Skills |
CMST | 130 | Fundamentals of Communication |
CRJU | 103 | Introduction to Corrections |
CULA | 102 | Basic Culinary Skills |
CULA | 121 | American Regional Cuisine |
CULA | 207 | Fundamentals of Baking |
CULA | 217 | Culinary Cafe |
CULA | 221 | Latin Flavors |
CULA | 224 | Kitchen Gardening |
ECON | 202 | Microeconomics |
ELEC | 102 | Electrical Calculations |
ELEC | 103 | Electical Blueprints |
ELEC | 112 | Basic Electricity |
ELEC | 123 | National Electric Code I |
ELST | 269 | A+ Certification Preparation |
ENGL | 101 | English Composition I |
ENGL | 102 | English Composition II |
ENGL | 110 | Intensive English Comp I |
FNAR | 121 | Introduction to Visual Arts |
HESC | 100 | Essentials of Nursing Assistng |
HESC | 102 | First Aid |
HESC | 103 | Intro: Medical Ethics & Commun |
HESC | 111 | Medical Terminology |
HESC | 118 | Info. Mangement for A.H. Prof. |
HESC | 151 | Intro: Health Care Professions |
HIST | 102 | Western Civilization II |
HIST | 141 | African-American History |
HIST | 205 | American History I |
HIST | 260 | Louisiana History |
HOST | 101 | Intro to Hospitality Industry |
HOST | 103 | Intro to Travel & Tourism |
HUMA | 105 | Humanities Through the Arts |
INCO | 102 | Intro: Process Technology |
INCO | 105 | Safety & Environ Principles |
MANG | 201 | Principles of Management |
MANG | 265 | Manufacturing Logistics |
MARK | 201 | Principles of Marketing |
MATH | 130 | College Algebra |
MATH | 133 | Intensive College Algebra |
MATH | 140 | Precalculus |
MATH | 203 | Introductory Statistics |
MLTS | 151 | Phlebotomy Clinical Practicum |
MTTC | 212 | Intro: Precision Machining |
MTTC | 222 | Forming & Shaping |
MUSC | 105 | Music Appreciation |
MUSB | 101 | Intro to Music Business |
PAST | 103 | Baking & Pastry Skills Lab II |
PAST | 218 | Baking & Pastry Cafe |
PHIL | 101 | Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL | 175 | Introduction to Ethics |
PHYS | 101 | Intro. Concepts in Physics |
POLI | 180 | Intro to American Government |
PSYC | 127 | Introduction to Psychology |
PSYC | 226 | Developmental Psychology |
PTAP | 216 | Clinical Science IV |
RLST | 263 | Princ/Resid Real Estate Apprs |
SCIE | 101 | Physical Science I |
SOCI | 151 | Introduction to Sociology |
SPAN | 101 | Elementary Spanish I |
TECH | 101 | NCCER Technical Core |
TECH | 201 | Engineering Economics |
THEA | 101 | Intro to Theatre |
VISC | 242 | Digital Photography II |
WELL | 152 | Stress Management: Wellness |
WLDG | 101 | Intro: Welding Fundamentals |
WLDG | 110 | Basic SMAW |
WLDG | 115 | SMAW Groove Welds |
WLDG | 201 | Basic FCAW and GMAW |
WLDG | 202 | FCAW & GMAW Groove Welds |
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